Coping Strategies Questionnaire Revised Pdf

OBJECTIVE: To develop an Italian version of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire – Revised (CSQ-R), and to validate it in a study involving 345 Italian subjects with chronic pain. METHODS: The questionnaire was developed following international recommendations.

  1. Coping Strategy Questionnaire Pdf
  2. Coping Strategies Questionnaire Revised Pdf Sample

General description: The coping strategy questionnaire. (CSQ), (Rosenstiel & Keefe ) in its original version consists of 50 items assessing patient self rated. We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping. Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ). We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping Strategies.

Coping Strategy Questionnaire Pdf

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This was an point rating scale ranging from 0 no pain at all to 10 the worst imaginable pain Pregare 2324 Although it had good reliability and validity, it showed an unstable structure 3 — 5 that has been hypothesized to be mainly due to difficulties in measuring differences in cognition between different clinical settings, disorders and pain copiing 6. The questionnaire was translated into Italian using a process of forward-backward translation involving four translators.

Distraction; Catastrophizing; Ignoring pain sensations; Distancing from pain; Coping self-statements; and Praying.

Rutgers University Press; Quality criteria were proposed for measurement properties of health status questionnaires. Test-retest reliability was investigated by administering the CSQ-Revised to the same subjects after seven days to ceq the natural fluctuations in symptoms associated with memory effects. Its use is recommended for clinical and research purposes in Italy and abroad. Assessing depressive symptoms across cultures: Please review our privacy policy.

Le copkng sviluppano strategie per fronteggiare e gestire il dolore che sentono.

Two translators, whose first language was Italian, each independently translated the English version into Italian, keeping the language colloquial and compatible with a reading age of 14 years. The correlations between the CSQ-Revised and the CPCI contributed further evidence of the adaptive and maladaptive strategies investigated by both measures. Cross-validation of the factor structure of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire.

Our findings also suggest that the CSQ-Revised and CPCI have different constructs, thus highlighting their distinctive contribution to multidisciplinary pain programs and confirming the intent shrategies the original developers of the CPCI to create a questionnaire that investigated previously ignored coping strategies The Italian version of the CSQ-Revised confirmed the factor structure of the original English version and showed good psychometric properties.

Riley J, Robinson ME. The time needed to answer the questionnaire was recorded. A strateties of two measures. Five factors or fiction? The inclusion criteria were: Development and preliminary validation. This item self-report questionnaire asks patients to rate the frequency of their use of coping strategies during the previous week The difficulties encountered by the translators were overcome by means of careful wording.

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Coping Strategies Questionnaire Revised Pdf

Our findings provide further evidence regarding the relationships between CSQ-Revised and CPCI, two widely used questionnaires that assess coping strategies in individuals with chronic pain. However, the CSQ-Revised version has yet to be adapted and psychometrically analyzed in Italian subjects, thus limiting the opportunities for researchers and clinicians to share the validated outcomes of chronic pain patients. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation The questionnaire was translated into Italian using a sgrategies of forward-backward translation involving four translators.

Sickness Impact Profile — Roland scale: The aim of the present study was to describe the cultural adaptation of the CSQ-Revised and its validation in a large sample of subjects with chronic pain to enable its use in Italian-speaking subjects in Italy and abroad.

This model adequately fits the data obtained from our sample, which suggests czq coping strategies can be thoroughly described as a process with six components. Italian validation of the CES-D self-rating scale.

Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)

CSQ-Revised This item questionnaire measures the use of strategies for coping with pain by assessing six domains: It was also expected that the CSQ-Revised adaptive and maladaptive strategies would be statistically significantly and positively related to adaptive and maladaptive strategies taken from another coping questionnaire, respectively. Cross-cultural adaptation, factor analysis, reliability and validity. To identify any difficulties, inconsistencies or mistakes in translation, the committee explored the semantic, idiomatic and conceptual equivalence of the items and answers.

The CSQ-Revised was initially administered to 50 patients with chronic nonspecific pain to probe what was meant by each item and the chosen response. No significant effects were found for any of the subscales Table 3. This item questionnaire measures the use of strategies for coping with pain by assessing six domains: Alternative ways of assessing model fit. J Consult Clin Psychol. The factor structure of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire.

Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)

Acknowledgments The authors thank Kevin Smart for his help in preparing the English version of the manuscript. Strategie di coping Distrarsi 12345: This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. The item-scale correlations were satisfactory Distraction, 0.

Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. The Coping Strategies Questionnaire: Robinson et al 7.

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Posted by7 years ago

Apparently it's not good enough for /r/science , let's hope it will work here :

Okay so a friend of mine is in Psychology master I, for the purpose of her [1] Memoire she had to give a test called CSQ, for Coping Strategies Questionnaire by Rosenstiel and Keefe. The problem is, she can't find anywhere how to proceed in order to interpret the results. It's fine to have results but she need to know how to process them and none of her teachers or schoolmates can tell her how to do this. I've searched a lot around the internet in order to find a scale or a scoring but so far no luck. I really hope someone here could give us a proper way to do the questionnaire's scoring and interpretation. Apologies for any english mistake that would have made it's way through this post.

Coping Strategies Questionnaire Revised Pdf Sample